5 Jobs That Attract the Worst People

Interesting discussion regarding specific professions that attract the most toxic people. Check out what various users said.

5.Casino Dealer

“I’m a casino dealer. People losing money brings out the worst qualities in them. Especially when I deal high limit games. Plus the pit boss/supervisors won’t throw a person out who is literally spending thousands. Doesn’t matter what they do or say. The casino doesn’t want to lose those kinds of patrons. They’re catered to. They can be so awful to the dealers. The job has made me look at humanity in a completely different light lol.

Pro relationship tip: Bring a date to the casino and see how they treat the dealer if they’re losing. You’ll see what kind of person they really are. I have about 10 years of experience in the industry.”

“Lived in a casino hotel for a few months (lollll what a nitemare of a story). It was the most depressing time of my life. So much sadness and addiction just coursing through the place. The wifi in the room was pretty expensive so I’d sit in the lobby/hallway to soak up some free wifi. It was so sad to see people come in and leave so deflated. Worse, they had a washer and dryer on the high roller side of the hotel so i’d sneak over there with the housekeeping crew to do a load of laundry. I met this lady who was folding up her laundry and told me that she’d been living in the hotel for free for several months but they’d run out of money… blew through $100k she said. No wonder they were staying at the hotel rent free.”


“Stockbrokers. I have some friends who are stockbrokers. I love them, but man, they are some bull**** artists. And not like, “Oh, they’re a good salesman, and could sell you anything,” No, it’s like they make **** up as they go along and try to sound confident in what they say.”

“I have met a couple people who were successful, lifelong stockbrokers. To be a successful, lifelong stockbroker, you actually have to like what you do.

They all had crazy eyes. Each and every one.”


“Unpopular opinion but nurses. There is a lot, A LOT, of toxic abusive high-school girl drama type behavior among nurses.

It’s such an important job and about half the people doing it shouldn’t be responsible for a yogurt, let alone a human being’s life.

I’ve seen some s***, man.”

“It was weird how all of the mean girls from my high school went to college for nursing lol”

2.MLM Executives

“I’m a consultant who had those executives as a client and I promise this is correct.

When our HR expert told them that they needed a policy on diversity, equity, and inclusion, the CEO responded that they, “didn’t need anyone in DC telling them how to run (their) company”.

Like, the HR expert wasn’t even saying they needed it in an ethical way. Just that they needed it to avoid lawsuits. The CEO still refused.

So, “legally exposing yourself to own the libs” seems like a pretty awful type of person.”

Another sobering response.

“A good friend of mine is currently in deep. Started as just ‘doing it for the savings’ but of course that didn’t last long.

The sad thing is she’s not that kind of person at all. Nowhere even close. She is religious though which I’ve noticed seems to have a correlation with MLMs. A LOT of women in MLMs are from religious families/backgrounds.

My friend has genuinely been brainwashed. We were so close, I watched her go through the whole process. She was my best friend. We don’t talk much now because this thing has kind of taken over her life. But she genuinely believes the lie and is in total denial and thinks she is doing good for people by recruiting them.

I used to try and talk her round. Then it got to the point where I could see I would lose her if I kept bringing it up. I just keep hoping she’ll walk away. They are dangerous and damaging, it makes me so sad and angry that I’ve lost my friend and that she’s losing herself to that bull****. Sorry for the rant..”


“I’ve always wondered how people who do this can square it with themselves, I just can’t comprehend not being able to see that this is not the time for a photograph. Unfortunately people also want to see those photos, that’s a whole other can of worms…”

Absolutely lifeless humans. Audio-visual bottom feeders with a camera, searching for scraps and the next payment. Not only does their profession provide something that is arguably valueless, but the means to produce it is abominable. Predatory mannequins that need removal.”

Do you have any similar experiences? What are your picks?

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This originally appeared on AmmarRangwala.com.

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Ammar has started several online businesses and is a blogger who loves providing quality content to help others. He is involved with affiliate marketing, domain names, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies. Check out my blog if you want to learn more about these areas and business in general.

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